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Reiki Level One


This class meets once and is three hours long. 


Reiki One is appropriate for anyone who wants to learn reiki techniques for well-being as well as offer reiki to friends and family.  This class is designed to help participants increase their mindfulness, begin or deepen meditation practice and gain introductory understanding of the concept of energy healing. No previous experience is necessary.


In this class you will:

- Learn what reiki is and the history of reiki

- Practice several simple meditation techniques to assist you when you work with reiki    


- Learn about the chakra system and aura

- Learn how to give yourself, family and friends reiki

- Learn the reiki principles and their importance in everyday life

- Have the opportunity to practice self-reiki

- Receive attunement in the lineage of Usui Mikao


Reiki I completion criteria:

- Attend class in full

- Complete self-reiki and a written reflection

- Pay tuition in full


Cost:  $158 per person

Upcoming Class: 

Scheduling private small group classes. Please reach out for more information.


To register for reiki one, please go to the scheduling tab on this website. 

For more information, please call Julie at (781) 307-5884 or email



Reiki Level Two 


This class meets twice.  Each class is three hours long. Prerequisite: Reiki level one completion.



Prerequisite: Completion of reiki level one.  If you completed level one with a different instructor, please have your certificate available. 


Reiki two offers those who have completed reiki one a deeper understanding of reiki. Students gain greater understanding of wholeness on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  In this class participants receive attunement to three sacred symbols and learn their form, sound, meaning and how to apply them.  Often reiki two is a progression of one's desire to be of service to others and heal oneself at the deeper emotional level.   


In this class you will:

- Learn the use meaning and application of three reiki symbols

- Receive three attunements to three sacred symbols through the lineage of Usui Mikao

- Practice deepening meditation and energy awareness techniques

- Practice reiki on oneself and on others

- Learn more in depth about the aura

- Receive a binder with reiki two information

- Learn the code of ethics for reiki practitioners


Reiki II completion criteria:

- Attend both classes in full

- Complete two practice sessions on your own and submit a written reflection

- Pay tuition in full


Cost: $333 per person

Upcoming Class:  

Scheduling private small group classes. Please reach out for more information. 


For more information or to register for this class, please call Julie at (781) 307-5884 or email



Reiki Master Level


This class meets three times (once a month). Each class is three hours long. There are also two required reiki shares. Reiki shares are between two and three hours long.


Prerequisite: Completion of reiki levels one and two.  If you have completed the first two levels with a different instructor, please have your certificates available.


Reiki Master class is appropriate for those who really feel called to bring the love vibration of reiki to others in a deeper and more expansive way.  With the master level class, reiki truly becomes a way of life and a spiritual practice.  At this level individuals may feel called to practice reiki at the professional level as well.


In this class you will:

-Deeply explore the chakra system with the intention to clear any personal blocks that you are ready     to as well as practicing clearing and balancing chakras for another

-Receive attunement and gain understanding of the reiki master and completion symbols 

-Develop your intuition and gain more tools to deepen your clairvoyance, clairaudience and   clairsentience

-Shift your vibration to enter into greater alignment with your Divine Life Purpose

-Learn to utilize the reiki symbols to embody, live and teach the five principles of reiki


Reiki Master completion criteria:

-Attend all classes in full

​-Attend two reiki shares

-Submit homework assignments

- Demonstrate ability to conduct a reiki session 

-Pay tuition in full


Cost: $858 per person

Upcoming Class: Scheduling private small group classes. Please reach out for more information.  


For more information, please call Julie at (781) 307-5884 or email



**Please note: Sacred Spirit Awakening and services/treatments and training do not constitute medical/psychological diagnosis and do not replace treatment from a qualified medical doctor/mental health provider.  Sacred Spirit Awakening's goal is to assist individuals in their search for physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. 



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